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This fabric with a selection of pretty shoes was my choice for Katie, an enthusiastic liver of life, a valuable asset to her husband and a loving mother of two little princesses. Her passion for telling others about Jesus reminds me of “the shoes of the Gospel of...


This very sturdy apron is for a woman who, on top of raising three children of her own, more often than not has a foster baby or toddler added to her loving care. She is a talented cook, took home schooling during the pandemic in her stride and, together with her...

Stay-at-home mom

Q: Help!  I want to be more than I am right now, but how will I ever attain that?  I am tired of wondering and wondering and being on an emotional rollercoaster  I don’t want to just carry on with life – I want to LIVE!  How am I going to succeed in doing that?...