by Alet | Mar 13, 2020 | Articles, Writing
Mastering basic knife skills is one of the most essential parts of cooking, along with keeping your knives sharp. A sharp knife not only allows you to work faster, but safer. When your knife is blunt the amount of pressure needed to cut through food is much greater,...
by Alet | Aug 15, 2016 | Books, Writing
Die jong konstabel, Danie de Jager, in die kookspan in Windhoek – min wetende dat hy hierdie vaardighede sou toepas in die skeepskombuis onderweg na Alexandrië, in die veldkombuis in die woestyn van Noord-Afrika, in die krygsgevangekampe van Benghazi en Italië...
by Alet | May 10, 2016 | Books, Writing
Die boeiende storie van ‘n boerseun wat tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog diens doen as kok: Kleintyd sonder televisie was ‘n groot seën vir my pa se sewe kinders – wanneer die gier hom gepak het en hy begin oorlogstories vertel het, het ons aan sy lippe...
by Alet | Mar 29, 2014 | Books, Writing
An important part of warfare in the desert: setting up camp, or rather digging in. An excavation had to made for each tent to safeguard it in case of an attack by the enemy, needing every soldier to grab a shovel and start digging. The loose soil was then used to form...
by Alet | Feb 17, 2014 | Cooking
What a privilege to dig up new potatoes from our own garden! (Not me, but my very able husband who loves gardening.) So I had to whip up a lovely Sunday lunch – to be enjoyed outside with the patio heater making up for the winter sun not being able to give the...