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A shield and a can of Coke

A shield and a can of Coke

My “shield of faith” (Ephesians 6:16) recently needed some serious panel beating. I was making very little headway with some documents that needed to be completed ASAP and sought up the quiet of my bedroom, shut the door and sat down at the Lord’s feet. How wonderful...
Who is your God?

Who is your God?

“Who is my God?” This isn’t a question one would normally ask of yourself when struggling with a worrisome situation or a deep disappointment. One day, as I was nursing an upset because of some less sympathetic remark my dear gentleman husband had made, I sensed the...
Be happy! Always?

Be happy! Always?

Our children have developed the photo opportunity quip where the photographer says: “Look happy!” instead of the usual “Say cheese!” Normally, I can look fairly happy if I try hard enough, but the Lord asks of us to BE happy and this isn’t all that easy. This is going...
Sanctuary of love

Sanctuary of love

A sanctuary can be described as a place of refuge, safety and rest; a place where you can feel at peace, the holiest part of a temple/church. Many years ago, when I attended the funeral of an older woman, I was deeply touched by the eulogy: Her main attribute was...
On the receiving end…

On the receiving end…

When I go through life tagging along my emotional baggage neatly stuffed into a hip “trolley suitcase”, I will find it very hard to trust God. As I stumble along, disconnected from the Source of life, I am not able to see how often the Spirit of God works in my life...